Over 20 years in the field
of pharmaceutical logistics
Nowadays, the company provides services of import, logistics and distribution of medicines and life sciences supplies:
A warehouse complex
With total area of more than 2800 square meters with convenient transportation, extensive infrastructure and is situated in 10 kilometers from international airport Boryspol. The warehouse is equipped with all modern systems including computer-aided tools for storage terms monitoring and physical access, up-to-date systems of storage and accounting
There are zones and separate rooms for different temperature conditions (+15 -+25°С; +2- +8°С; -20°С; -80°С, -196°С), separate zones for archive keeping, controlled and dangerous product groups, quarantine zones. Pharmacy depot staff is trained in accordance with international standards and has considerable experience in all processes
Medicinal products
Is performed by the own Temperature Controlled Vehicles, on-line tracking and delivery notifications. Medicinal products are transported with respect to physical and chemical features, into conditions which protect from environment.
Each supply is accompanied by automatic temperature recorder. Information on transportation temperature terms can be provided to the customer on-line
Having a high level of financial indicators, own customs warehouse, own specialized fleet of vehicles and constant export operations, we guarantee proper quality and minimal risks at the time of high-level service provision with maximal efficiency in assigned tasks solving